Prevent Dry Skin This Winter

Prevent Dry Skin This Winter

prevent dry skin this winterThe cold weather may bring rosy cheeks, but it certainly doesn’t do any favors for the quality of your skin. Dry skin can not only be unbecoming, but painful as well. Preventing dry skin is crucial for the cold season, but sometimes merely applying moisturizers doesn’t cut it… There are a variety of ways that you can care for your skin this season to eliminate any threat of dry skin.

Dry skin appears during the winter months thanks to the harsh winds and parched air, so be sure that you know the right methods to defend against dry skin.

Take a look at these tips from WebMD for caring for your body and preventing dry skin during the cold months. There are so many ways to enjoy the wintertime without having to worry about dry skin, so continue reading to learn how to avoid dry skin woes this season.

Skin Care for Dry Skin

Dry skin often shows up as rough, red, and itchy patches in places of the body that show — arms, hands, lower legs, ankles. It’s also common on the soles of the feet, the thighs, and the abdomen.

Making a few adjustments to your daily skin care routine often helps. No matter what the cause, there are many things you can do to make dry skin smooth and supple.

Care Strategies for Dry Skin When You Wash

Try these tips for the bath or shower:

  • Skip long, hot showers. Hot water strips oils from the skin faster than warm water. Long showers or baths actually dry out your skin. Limit yourself to a single 5- or 10-minute warm shower or bath a day.
  • Use a gentle cleanser or shower gel with moisturizer. Instead of harsh cleansers, go for unscented, soap-free, or mild soap cleansers..
  • Moisturize while skin is still moist. Pat your skin with a towel after you shower or wash your face or hands, leaving it damp. Apply a moisturizer within three to five minutes of washing to lock moisture in.

What to Look for in a Moisturizer

You don’t have to pay a fortune for a good, rich moisturizer. Read the label. Ingredients that may be helpful for dry skin include:

  • Ceramides. Ceramides help the skin hold water and soothe dry skin. Synthetic ceramides may mimic the natural substances in the outermost layer of skin that help keep moisture in.
  • Dimethicone and glycerin. These draw water to the skin and keep it there.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Like ceramides, hyaluronic acid helps skin hold water.
  • Lanolin, mineral oil, and petroleum jelly. These help skin hold on to water absorbed during bathing.

Be sure to apply sunscreen to areas of your body that are exposed to the sun during the day. Look for a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more that says “broad spectrum” on the label.

5 Lifestyle Tips for Relieving Dry Skin

These strategies can also help make your skin supple and smooth:

  • Plug in a humidifier at home to help keep skin hydrated during winter months when indoor air is dry.
  • Wear cotton and other natural fibers. Wool, synthetics, or other fabrics can be scratchy and irritating.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat omega-3 foods. Essential fatty acids can help fortify the skin’s natural oil-retaining barriers. Foods rich in omega-3 include cold-water fish (salmon, halibut, sardines), flax, walnuts, and safflower oil.
  • For itching or inflammation, apply a cool compress or a hydrocortisone cream on the area for a week. If these don’t provide relief, talk to your doctor.

These helpful tips for beating dry skin in the winter are sure to help create glowing smiles. It’s a common notion that when your body feels good, you feel good as well, so arm yourself with these guidelines on how to defeat dry skin throughout the frosty months. The weather outside may be frightful, but your skin doesn’t have to be. Dry skin can easily be avoided with these routines.

Feeling like your dry skin needs a little extra pampering? All are more than welcome to stop by The Spa at Richard Francis for more dry skin tips or to get a facial or professional skin care products to beat dry skin.